Corporate Social Responsibility

The Wealthyard Group is committed to a sustainable philosophy, a long-term vision and a responsible attitude. The Group has established guidelines and adheres to a code that today forms the basis for corporate social responsibility. The Group is committed to implementing these standards internally, in its relations with all stakeholders and in all its companies. These principles are reflected in the introduction of sustainable practices designed to create long-term added value.

In everyday life, these guidelines are reflected in our responsible investments, our corporate culture, and our diverse and sustained philanthropic commitment to society.


The company has exercised its due diligence regarding the respect for human rights. During the year 2022, the company has not identified any adverse impact on human rights, either at the level of its employees or at the level of its direct suppliers. The company has also exercised its due diligence regarding the precious metals and gemstones supply chain. During 2022, the company has not identified any risk of sourcing precious metals and stones from conflict zones or high-risk areas. If you have any questions on these topics and on the company’s responsible commitment, please contact office@wealthyard.com