Wealthyard Group (WYG) is aware of its role in society and its responsibility to its group companies, shareholders, employees and the public. We are therefore committed to clear principles and value-oriented, ethically sound and legally compliant corporate governance, as well as to working together with integrity, fairness and respect.
1. Scope of Application
This Code of Conduct applies to all employees, members of the Executive Committee and the Executive Board of Wealthyard Group and its group companies.
Our business partners also belong to us in a broader sense. Therefore, we expect them to conduct themselves in accordance with this Code of Conduct when working for us and to comply with applicable contractual provisions.
This Code of Conduct also applies to our cooperation with external partners and suppliers. We are convinced that we only work with business partners who, like us, are committed to ethical business conduct. We select our business partners based on their needs, quality, service, price, conditions and other relevant terms.
It is also important to us that we can trace our entire supply chain and that we do not purchase products or services of dubious origin.
2. Applicable Law
Since WYG operates in different countries, different legal regulations and practices must be observed. While we respect the customs of our customers, business partners and colleagues, the standards and principles described in this Code are binding on all employees and partners as the lowest common denominator, provided they do not conflict with local law.
WYG complies with the applicable laws and regulations of the countries in which it operates. We honour contracts taking into account changing conditions and treat business partners fairly.
3. Corporate Social Responsibility
WYG respects and supports the observance of internationally recognized human rights.
Our employees, applicants and business partners can always expect respect from us. We judge them on their qualifications, skills and performance.
We respect different cultural, ethical and religious backgrounds and are committed to the principle of equality, regardless of race, sex, age, origin, colour, disability, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion or any other protected characteristic or activity.
Information that supports or encourages racial hatred, the glorification of violence or other criminal offences, or that has content that is sexually offensive against the respective cultural background or is protected by law, may under no circumstances be procured or distributed in our company.
WYG ensures a healthy and safe working environment. All employees receive a contract in compliance with the law, with fair working conditions and appropriate remuneration. The working hours comply with the legal requirements. We do not hire employees who do not meet the legal minimum age. We are aware that the protection of privacy is fundamentally important and that we may only treat personal data with appropriate care. We carefully assess risks and, if necessary, take measures to reduce or eliminate them.
We are committed to the goals of environmental protection for the benefit of both present and future generations. We encourage and support our employees in doing business in an environmentally conscious manner. We actively promote environmentally friendly technologies.
4. Ethical Business Practices
Each and every one of us is responsible for the integrity of our own behaviour, even if this involves making difficult decisions. Only by facing up to this responsibility can we be successful and grow – today and in the future.
WYG does not tolerate corruption, extortion, embezzlement or bribery. All employees are obligated to maintain company and business secrets. Confidential documents or information may not be disclosed or made available to third parties without consent.
5. Conflicts of Interest
WYG avoids conflicts of interest. Should they nevertheless occur, we disclose them immediately and return the mandate.
We do not make decisions on our own behalf within the framework of the company. All stakeholders act exclusively in the interest of WYG.
6. Stakeholders
WYG communicates these codes of conduct to all its stakeholders and urges them to apply them comprehensively themselves and in turn demand them from their own stakeholders.
7. Philanthropy & Impact Investments
WYG and its group companies pay special attention to their philanthropic activities, especially in the area of impact investment. The main focus is on promoting fair working conditions, know-how transfer and local support for people and children. In addition, WYG is committed to climate protection and the sustainable protection of the oceans and wildlife.
8. Origin and Use of Financial Resources
Each time WYG receives funds, we initiate a comprehensive analysis of the origin of these external funds. We also document all transactions with receipts. We keep our accounts in compliance with the law and have them regularly audited by an external, independent auditing company.
9. Data Protection
WYG provides comprehensive data protection through its own strongly secured network. We rely on secure cloud solutions. We do not pass on confidential information to third parties, even after termination of employment or cooperation relationships.
In case of termination of employment or cooperation relationships, we return all operational and confidential documents to the employee or partner.
All external partners and suppliers must sign a confidentiality agreement before handing over sensitive data to us. In order to prevent misuse by third parties, a contractual penalty is due in case of violation.